Day: | 026 |
Date: | Friday, 21 August 2009 |
Start: | Roebuck Plains Roadhouse |
Finish: | Sandfire Roadhouse |
Daily Kilometres: | 287 |
Total Kilometres: | |
Podcasts: | Here |
Journal: | I got up at 2:20am after 4 hours sleep, conscious that Sandfire Roadhouse, my target for the day, closed at 7pm. In neutral conditions I expected it to take a little over 14 hours which didn’t leave too much margin for problems if I started too late. Initially the riding was good, if a little cool, and I soon put my jacket on. After about 20km, I heard a familiar “twang” and discovered another spoke had broken on the rear wheel, also on the derailleur side. Although I now had a freewheel remover, I didn’t yet have a suitable wrench to use it with. I stopped in the dark to see if there was anything I could initially do. The wheel had buckled and was rubbing on the brake so I disconnected the brake and continued riding. However, an hour later, while it was still dark, I found a suitable spot to stop and decided to adjust some spokes to reduce the buckle but it was too dark to do so efficiently and I decided to keep riding to daylight. I then stopped again and spent about 30 minutes making similar adjustments to yesterday. All up I had lost an hour and now realised, with 240km to go to Sandfire, that I might struggle to make it by 7pm. My problem was exacerbated by a brisk south-westerly sea breeze which, while it took the edge off the heat (low 30s C), was a direct headwind which I ended up battling into for the remainder of the day. There followed a very tough day, where I struggled to maintain an average speed of 20kph, and ended up digging very deep in the last 50km, when already exhausted, to make it to Sandfire with three minutes to spare. It is still using temporary premises (after a fire three years ago), and had a limited supply of food and drink. Two pies and an ice-cream for dinner plus multiple 600ml soft drinks (6, actually) to rehydrate. Although I started out with plenty of fluids on the bike, I began to think I had under-catered with about 80km to go when, as if sent by the gods, a foreign family touring in a campervan pulled up just ahead of me and asked if I wanted any water. I said yes and they gave me a 1.5 litre bottle for which I was very thankful. I spent a lot of time during the day worrying about my buckled rear wheel and when and how I would get it fixed without detouring off my track, and also worrying about my prospects for continuing the record chase. It seems that every day I have to dig very deep, only for some problem to arise that requires digging even deeper, all so I can have another day doing the same. I have more or less decided to stick to a schedule that will get me home in 51 days for as long as I can. If for any reason this becomes impossible, then I will back off to become a tourist and aim to complete the circuit averaging, say, 250kpd, instead and trying to make it a little more enjoyable. |
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